Ages & Stages


It is estimated that about 80% of UK women will experience some symptoms around the menopause and beyond. These may include:


  • low mood or anxiety

  • difficulty sleeping

  • problems with concentration and memory

  • hot flushes

  • night sweats

  • reduced sex drive

  • vaginal dryness

  • palpitations

  • skin changes


These symptoms are due to a reduction in hormone levels (oestrogen & progesterone)

and usually affect women between the ages of 45 – 55 (although may happen earlier)


While the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause can have a big impact on every day life, we now know that a number of lifestyle and self help activities can help the transition process.


Before we become peri/menopausal, oestrogen and progesterone act as our calming hormones, protecting us from our stress hormones (cortisol). As our oestrogen and progesterone levels drop, we become more susceptible to the effects of stress. This is why anxiety symptoms and sleep disturbances are common.


Studies tell us that raised cortisol levels can increase the likelihood of severe menopause symptoms (1). Relaxation, should therefore be a priority.


How Does Reflexology Help?

Reflexology helps to promote deep relaxation. As a level 5 reflexologist, I can also offer a listening ear and some practical lifestyle suggestions that will help beyond your treatment.


What Happens at the appointment?

A full  health history is taken at the first appointment to ensure that treatment is safe and appropriate - this is updated at any follow up appointments. A full explanation about the benefits of reflexology follows and gives you time to ask questions.

You will be in a safe and comfortable position on the couch for your treatment which lasts 45-60 minutes.

After your treatment you will be given time to bring yourself back into the moment and have a drink of water.


Beyond Menopause

Having adjusted to the changes that menopause has brought about, we now find ourselves in a new stage of life. For many this can be the start of something exciting and fulfilling.

However, as we have already identified, the shift in our hormonal landscape can make us more vulnerable to anxiety states. 

As we age, we are often facing new stressors such as health concerns; changes in our working lives and other identities; loss of friends or partners and less certain financial and home situations.


How Does Reflexology Help?   

Reflexology helps to promote deep relaxation. Continuing with regular treatment sessions will help to improve sleep and reduce cortisol levels. As with menopause reflexology, I can also offer some practical lifestyle suggestions that will help beyond your treatment. 


What Happens at the appointment?

A full  health history is taken at the first appointment to ensure that treatment is safe and appropriate - this is updated at any follow up appointments. A full explanation about the benefits of reflexology follows and gives you time to ask questions.

You will be in a safe and comfortable position on the couch for your treatment which lasts 45-60 minutes.

After your treatment you will be given time to bring yourself back into the moment and have a drink of water.


Ask about price concessions if you are 75 & over

Photo of my mum and aunt in their twilight years. Posted with permission from the family.